Saturday, April 11, 2009
Eileen Leavy Huber- October 16, 1948 - April 11, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tuesday, 04/07/09
Dear Friends,Yesterday was a very busy one for Eileen. She just couldn't seem to stop moving - from the bed, to the chair, back to bed, up to commode chair and so on. Her lungs are clear but only because of routine suctioning. Her mind was clear as well. This even though she'd had a respiratory crisis in the middle of the night - probably a large mucous plug that was not suctioned out quickly enough and had pulled out her tracheostomy tube this morning. She has three choices at this juncture:Transfer to ICU and ultimately be placed on a ventillator;Continue to be treated with radiation and a feeding tube in her stomach so that she will not aspirate the food and medicines we give her. However, if, during this phase, there comes a time that she requires a ventilator or CPR, neither will be offered to her. These are her wishes;The third choice is to stop therapy and be discharged on oxygen and Home Health Care Nursing visits every few days.She choses to continue therapy & will have a tube placed in her stomach tomorrow to stop the aspiration of food and meds and give her some strength and will go down to radiation to be re-measured & marked so that treatments can be given with her sitting at a 45 degree angle. She plans to give Henry as many hard, painful shots of radiation as the Lord allows.Sh,e has been flirting with the respiratory therapists, asking one and all for a cigarette and reading prayers to the Blessed Mother. So she is very much here. . . . Lorane , ,
Posted by Lorane at 6:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Hospital Days
Actually, I wrote about yesterday and for some reason it was never published (although the blog says I published last on 3/21. Go figure.) So yesterday, I brought her some supplies and, having just come from Patrick's first b-day party, she wanted to hear all about it since she knows all the guests. Physically, she was quite comfortable re: right arm pain b/c they put the pain medicine (Dilaudid) in a portable well attached to tubing that goes to her IV. It has a "joy stick" connected by a tube which she can use to give herself extra pain relief 6 x's each hr if needed. Otherwise it runs continually at a set, effective rate. So Henry's effects - pain - are taken care of. Henry has now wrapped himself around an artery going to ber right arm so she has some hand numbness. Tomorrow, she will resume radiation as an in-patient aimed at eradicating Henry. Meanwhile, she is on oxygen through tubing in her nose so her breathing is comfortable. They are giving her IV antibiotics for the pneumonia demonstrated on the spiral CT and they will get a culture to be certain it is the right antibiotic therapy. She has to stay in the hospital as long as she is getting IV antibiotics. But she enjoyed the pictures I had taken at the party. In fact, I went backwards one picture too many, and asked her who THIS GANG WAS:
She studied it for a long time, smiling. "well, that's MY baby teaching baby Patrick to wave. And it looks like he did a good job , too!" Then her brother brought her candy bars & she dug in while he ate her burger.
We had forgotten to tell them that she takes a liquid, Megase, every morning to stimulate her appetite. Well, she got it today b/c when I called at 10 am, she was in her recliner having a huge breakfast. Take a deep breath, like she is, and pray to St. Theresa - I think she's in charge of pneumonia. Lorane
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Just the facts.
The Hubers, Paul (and potentially Linda) will be flying/driving to Virginia over the next two days. Phil, Brennan, Paul and Brian will fly down tomorrow (Sunday). Tim will drive down from Cleveland on Monday.
Flight Details:
Phil, Paul and Brian
Arrive Norfolk International Airport: 2:58 pm
Arrive Norfolk International Airport: 8:54pm
It was a frightened Little One. . .
I paged Dr. Cross. He didn't call right back. "I know you change the patches today. "No pain meds yet? Good. I don't want you to take any. . . They depress breathing . . ." The phone. It was Dr. Cross. . . I'll drive you to Beach General. . .no choice. . .no oxygen."
He called ahead & spoke to the ER attending, gave orders. . . Too slow, hazard lights, horn, passing, passing and in the ER waiting room passing the waiters . . . Finally, she's in bed, shivering, skin warm. . . Pneumonia? Infected Mediport? pent all day searching with microscopes, radiology rays, stethoscopes. Finally, CT says pneumonia and Henry has now wrapped himself around the artery that supplies the R arm & shoulder. , , , More probing and poking.
We bave a working Dx of pneumonia. . .Treat w/ IV antibiotics. Find delicate balance between enough IV pain medication & not so much that breathing too depressed. So Leenie reminds us that Dr. Cross told us Tuesday that things will get worse (from treatment swelling) before they get better And now is the time to beat the clock, the drums, our breasts in prayer. She is comfortable, has a great staff and a ferocious desire to win. It's now, team and Gospeed. . .
Saturday, March 14, 2009
And the smiles were broad as Tis Himself delivered the youngest. . .
When Leenie & I got home from radiation (FIRST time she didn't have pain during) Tim was waiting to greet her and it was the warmest of loving reunions. Then we ordered oh-so-healthy (but MEATLESS) pizzas, settled in on the soft, comfy living rm chairs and enjoyed - everything. There's always the funny reminiscing but now Tim gets into our grandpeeps (their parents have become secondary) & wants to know who's able to do what now. Naturally, Leenie gives the full update. We even whipped out pictures. He brought Mom up to speed on school, work, friends - the Cleveland-2 months-in-review. And then we turned in early (for this bunch) b/c everyone was tired. It's rainy & gloomy & CHILLY outside today but the gang just took Tim to lunch @ doc Phil's new favorite place (something smells like investment) where they do Leenie's corned beef passion some real justice. I'm hiding on our bedroom floor b/c Emma is stirring & hasn't napped long enough yet. We'll keep you 'posted'. . . Lorane
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Waiting for Friday
It's been a while but we've been very busy. Leenie had a PET scan Monday and we met with Dr. Cross Tuesday to discuss the results. It seems that this cancer responds better to radiation than to chemo. Additionally, Henry's affinity for the exit of cervical nerve # 5 which goes to the shoulder and right arm/hand has become more exaggerated and is causing increasing pain and, therefore, the need for increasing amounts of pain medication. Henry, then, is the total focus. They began the mapping last week and she had her first radiation treatment Tuesday. Phil took her & was furious when after a 10 minute treatment, with very heavy pain meds on board, she emerged at the verge of tears. You can be sure he "handled" the situation. The techs had insisted that she keep her right arm straight at her side and NOT MOVE throughout treatment. This is the most excruciating position. When questioned, they really couldn't provide a reason for this position. When asked, "Do you just WANT your patients to be in pain?" they muttered & fumbled about, finally agreeing to place her arm & hand on a pillow across her chest (semi-flexed) the next time. And indeed, with Phil on hand again Wednesday, she was propped & positioned comfortably. Of course the dosage is very high so there is still discomfort but w/out the added insult od position nerve pain. This morning we went at 8:15 am b/c I have a cervical MRI @ 4 PM. (This time she's coming to hold MY hand.) And tomorrow, the LAST treatment of the wk will be at 3 pm but TIM WILL HAVE ARRIVED @ 1:30 so it will be more like a family outing/reunion. The kids have big plans for the weekend (he'd better pray for rain) and Leenie is just beyond excited. He'll be here until the 17th so we'll be wearin' the green starting tomorrow!
Happy St. Paddy's Day to one and all
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
It's Wednesday again, in a new-plan-a-day-week. . .
Was hoping to find a clever/funny character to start update but my computer is ill. In a capsule, after doing a CT & PET scan, Dr. Cross was going to begin Cycle II Monday (3/2), hopefully with the same regimen. BUT. Henry became a real pesky problem. Either from inflammation, growth or position, he was causing Leenie intractable pain & had "to go". Dr. Scott Williams saw her MRI for the 1st time Friday & told us that the Cyber Knife (Just a name; NON invasive; no cutting; delivers precisely located radiation) was used only on smical nerve root #5 as it exits the spineall (grape to prune) size masses that are pressing on vital organs. Sooo, in that Henry inside was too lag for that, Dr. Pohar (radiated external Henry away) will perform Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy - -IMRD - for which a major "plan" is required. Yesterday, Leenie had a simulated CT (not diagnostic) so they could take a myriad of measurements of her body, chest cavity, shoulder, arm, spinal colum and, of course, Henry. Now the engineers, dosologists & docs are feverishly working up a plan - minute by minute - of angles/doses for deliverance of radiation ONLY to Henry - 5 days out of 7 x 4 wks. It is hoped that he will shrink toward his center, thus beginning with pulling away from the spinal column and the irritation of cervical nerve root #5 and alleviating the pain/disfunction in her right arm/hand. But, as Dr. Cross said, malignant metastases don't tend to read medical texts so they don't know the best way to shrin k." If the last remaining tissue is small & still pressing on the nerve root, they could conceiveably use the Cyber Knife technique @ that juncture.
As to chemo, she will have a PET scan Monday & Dr. Cross will see us Tuesday afternoon - late to be sure it's been read - to share his findings, ie, is the disease progressing, stable or retreating. If the last, he will use the same regimen but will have to wait or find a drug LIKE gemsar b/c it can't be administered w/ radiation. The Platinum can but he'll make a call Tuesday re: just waiting until radiation is done & Henry a bad mamory. U nfortunately, these masses don't like being radiated & initially get inflamed, therefore larger. So Leenie will have more pain before she starts to get permanent relief. Dr. Cross has increased her pain meds/patch doses for the duration & she was just so much better yesterday, having slept through the night for the first time in wks. As we were leaving the hospital, they gave her a scrip which indicated that Dr. Pohar will start this Friday 3/6 instead of Monday, 3/9 so they are all working hard to create the plan sooner rather than later as Dr. Cross asked. Meanwhile, her wt & vital signs are stable, appetite is great and if the weather cooperates we'll be working on walks - first to the mail box, then across the sreet, and ultimately down to the point of our next door neighbors. Her cough is becoming more productive and the CAUSE is stasis, ie, sitting in bed reading all day, not more cancer in the lung fields. She's therefore a set-up for pneumonia and Nurse Ratchet says, to quote Jennie's 18 mo.-old Emma, "Nuh, nuh,nuh!". Today we organize the complicated schedules/transportation availabilities of the home-town crew, tomorrow I'll be with Peanut (Emma) while Leenie re-arranges her clothes (finally got bed & Mom's dresser moved so she can use those huge drawers) and Friday we begin. The treatments are uncomfortable b/c she must NOT MOVE or angles change. However, she'll a large part of the Rite Aid Pharmacy on board so we're hoping she sleeps. That's the schedule - TODAY. Could be entirely different after Friday's reaction, PET results, blood work (so far very good) etc. Keep those prayers coming. She will know when she can enjoy/benefit from a visit
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Update - FINALLY

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Answer to Marge
Marge asked about the "mass pushing on C5" b/c she understood that there were no new masses found. That's true. Believe it or not, it's what's left of old Henry. As Dr. Cross explained, there have been many physical/location changes during the Cycle. Leenie is not as active as she had been so there is muscle atrophy on the chest wall and arms. (Although as you see in the picture, she's still leading Patrick with her right arm this past Saturday.) The neck vertebrae have not been rotating/flexing as often/far as before b/c she spends a lot of time reading in bed or napping so her head /neck are usually flexed forward, thus decreasing the intervertebral spaces for extended periods of time. All of these factors "place" things where they "were not located" before. To wit, Henry's outer edge, having shrunken down from the right shoulder, is now abutting the cervical vertebrae, C5 in particular. Dr. Williams will use the cyber knife to remove that tissue & the pressure it is causing. There was also brachial plexus damage during radiation but it will be reversable. So this "surgical modality" is being employed to correct the results of a "furniture re-arrangement in the right claviclular sitting room." We haven't heard from radiology re: CT/PET appts but are hoping they are early next week b/c her next chemo Cycle starts March 2nd. Love to all,
Monday, February 16, 2009
The LAST day of chemo. . .
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!

Good Morning Eileen! All of us here in Connecticut want to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day and send along this rose to brighten your day! The updates on the Blog certainly testify to your ever present strength and courage. We all love you and have you in our prayers every day. Paul Andrew, Doris, & Nyero
p.s. I know you are not particularly fond of the Yankees; howver, Mom just finished Joe Torre's book and claims it was riveting and revealing regarding behind the scenes in major league baseball. She recommends it highly!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Down to the wire minus one
So Robyn stayed home w/ him & Daddy Phil brought Declan & Molly AND was selected to do the reading for all 7 candidates. Emma was snatched away in time before diving into the font (swims @ the Y) & Poppy Phil was in charge of the video so Leenie may never see the show.
Margie & Eizabeth arrive SOMETIME Friday for a 3 day visit. We're looking forward to finding out the particulars tonight. As with Kath & the twins, we'll just avoid schedules & focus on quiet, happy chats. (But I know Leenie would enjoy at least ONE disagreement between her 2 older, more mature sibs, yes?)
Then Monday, she'll get her last chemo treatment, see Dr. Cross & meet the radiologist who does that exacting radiographic non-interventional surgery in the event the chemotherapy has not been effectively eradicating the cancer.
So. Here's to a CT that just screams, "GOTCHA!!!",
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
And the winners are. . .
Monday, January 26, 2009
X-TREE, X-TREE. Read all about it-Bloggers Return!
Eileen had had an unusually busy day yesterday. She insisted on doing several loads of laundary (& folding mine, bringing it up & putting it away). I was working on calenders for Dad & Eileen's schedules so I wasn't watching her too closely. We had slept a bit late but once up, she was eating & doing & phoning. She was also noticing a large amount of hair loss suddenly so I did some research & we selected a short wig, styled & colored like her hair Then I made a pork roast & she couldn't wait for the Doc to get home so she could eat b /c it smelled soooo good. (Very unusual). She ate well & chatted for quite some time w/ Phil so she was tired when she went to bed. (I've never seen her so active since she arrived 11/17).
This morning, our question list made for Dr. Cross - her big one "Do you think I'm going to beat this thing?" - we were ready for the appt so when she wasn't getting up, I let her sleep in. Meanwhile, I ordered the wig & accessories & got Phil's calender posted & current on the fridge (He said he thought it was Eileen's calender) We put the wreath & elf away & all of a sudden it was 11:30 & our appt was @ 1:00! I got her up, got a shower while she downed some Boost, she got showered & dressed & we were there a fashionably 10 minutes late. She had her blood drawn, weighed in @ 93 lbs on their scale (91 last weigh-in) & we waited for Dr. Cross in the treatment room. She was uncomfortable - had awakened during the night w/ pain in her R arm, R shoulder, R scapula & across the midline of her back to the L scapula area (where Henry, Jr. had been - he's since disappeared) But she had to take 2 Vicodin which is probably why she slept in.
Anyway, Dr. Cross asked lots of questions re: her reactions to treatment, energy, pain , location, any edema, new pain sites plus appetite & eating regimen. Then it was her her turn. She asked about hair loss. He said he was surprised b/c this combo of drugs doesn't usually cause loss of hair - except in the presence of general malnutrition, especially protein deficiency. So she had to fess up re: her treatment of Boost as meals, not supplements, & promised to eat more meals - like the pork roast last nite. But. He seemed genuinely happy that her wt. had gone UP b/c he had expected a drop from post chemo nausea & diarrhea. (Of course, he had covered that w/ a new anti-nausea drug given w/ the chemo so she's had NO nausea or diarrhea.)
Then she asked (after telling him how wonderful & efficient the care was Saturday @ Va. Oncology) whether she could make that her home base & have her treatments on Tues., Wed., & Thurs. w/ Bld work on Monday. He said, "SURE! and we can draw your blood Tuesday - I get the results right away & can change your dosage if necessary." We were @ Beach Gen. from noon until 9 PM Thursday & she was there from 8:30 AM until 6:30 PM Friday.Saturday, her fluid treatment was started @ 1:15 & finished @ 3:15. Her NEW schedule for the last round of round 2 is Gemzar x 1, ie, Wednesday, and NO IV fluids b/c no Carboplatin)(platinum)(got it last wk), then )her week off
So, let's follow along: Leenie is on a 3 wk (21 day) regimen of chemo. She only gets platinum once. So wk 1, Day 1 (Tuesday) = Gemzar; Day 2 (Wednesday) = Carboplatin - platinum, which depletes fluid - and Day 3 (Thursday) IV fluids. Day 4 is the following Tuesday, when she gets only Gemzar & therefore does not need IV fluids or a "day 5". The following week is her week off. In this case, at the conclusion of cycle 2 (2 wks of chemo; 1 wk off (21 days), she will have the CT's & x-rays of the neck, thorax (lungs) and C-spine, if indicated.
This last evaluation was sparked by the persistence/exacerbation of pain in R arm, now radiating to mid-back @ scapula level and the to L scapula area. Dr. Cross said the cause of this pain pattern can be 1) the radiation treatment which damaged the R brachial plexus nerves OR 2) pathology in the Cervical spine at the neck level such that the exit holes for the nerves leaving the spinal column & going out to supply the R & L shoulders & arms are being pressured by a cancer metastatic node causing interruption/aberrant signals to the muscles of both arms & shoulder areas. If this is the case, those cancer nodes must be eradicated so that nerve supply is normal again. Dr. Cross has ordered an MRI of the C-Spine to be done this Thursday @ Beach General so that he will have the results on Monday, 02/02, her next office visit.
Her White Blood Count (WBC) went from an initial 2.1 (very low) to 5.1 (very good) this wk and her Hemoglobin was 35 and Hematocrit 10 (low, but OK red blood cell count.) Don't know today's results.
When Leenie asked him how he thought she "was doing" - a toughy -, he said, "Really well. You haven't had any ill effects from the chemo; your weight is going up; you seem less tired. I'm very pleased." Eileen responded, "That makes me feel GREAT!" to which Dr. Cross did his shy smile. Then she asked, in that she's been taking all these pills, but not THE pill, could she be pregnant, and dear Dr. Cross, blushed & finally laughed, saying, "Anything's possible!"
She was flying - & craving a corned beef sandwich. So we went to "No Frills Grill", she chowed down, came home & took a nap & is contentedly reading.
And that's the truth. . . .
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Wednesday - 01/21/09 - much ado about nothing, save sleep deprivation

Move Update
I'm still having trouble with the post-office and forwarding the mail. I filled out the change-of-address form and I am still receiving mail. I'll be going to the post-office Friday morning to straighten it out (hopefully the "change" the new president promised has motivated the postal workers to "change" their work ethic and attitude. I won't hold my breath)
Mom, it might help speed up the mail process if you contact the important people- Board of Education, Credit Card Company, The hospitals, etc. and have them change your address. I'll keep working on the union workers up here and see if I can get any help from them.
I hope the visitors over the weekend lifted your spirits! Please let us know how today's chemo treatment went.
Go Cardinals!
Tuesday - 01/20/09
But since it's late & I can't upload it, I'll just say the visit was fun, hectic and crowded with funny little people wanting to play with everything/body showing NO interest in the Steeler game.
Tomorrow, Leenie begins round 2. (She went from 88 to 91 lbs during the festivities!). She had blood work done today. Tomorrow, she will hav3 a 3 hr. infusion of Gemzar & IV fluids; Thursday, the Platinum & IV fluids & Friday IV fluids.
She is not as tired but this session will take its toll. I'll be force-feeding & generally bitching @ her b/c nutrition is her only armor.
She enjoyed the inauguration today but is tense about the chemo session so boot those prayers up. It's freezing and grey which really gets her down but I keep telling her it's great weather for lots ofr hot "Boost" & long, cozy naps with Bridie whose job is to warm Leenie's feet & negotiate a few potato chips.
Soooo sorry about the font color - must have had sun /hapiness on my mind - "burning", Brian? (By the the by, Bri, Molly called 2 days ago wanting to know if B-r-i-a-n was here. . .)
And Tim, great job with the sale. I guess you sold the heater separately b/c Uncle Phil just had to buy one for our dryer. "and the plane crashes. Then nobody wins. . ." Forget you wrote that, Tim. I'm trying to.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Wednesday - 01/14/09
Quiet day. Leenie's intake - fluids & solids - continues to be good. So good that she refused to weigh in this morning, as promised, b/c she was eating (& talking snippily with food in her mouth). She really seems to be getting better. The mass on her left scapula is now GONE. Very pleased about that.
She rested, read & got her room in order while I had STEELERS' gold highlights put in my hair. Quiet evening, making possible/changeable plans for the weekend visit of Kath & the twins. Emotions are running high - hell, what isn't these days - but I trust the rewards will be commensurate. . .
Monday, January 12, 2009
Update on the Move
-Queen Size Box-Spring w/ Frame
(sold separately from mattress).....................................$40
-Chevy Lumina w/ 155,000 miles, No
Heat, Poor Tires, an Oldsmobile Steering Column,

Broken Locks, a smoking engine that has
been sitting in below freezing temps for 6 weeks.........$200
-Watching two Spanish guys named
Ricardo and Alex spend 45 minutes getting
the frozen Chevy Lumina to start...................................Priceless.
Sunday was packing day and with the Help of Betsy, Linda and Zubin, we were able to finish wrapping, boxing, and organizing all the contents of Mom's Apt. Most everything was placed in boxes and prepared for the move. With the help of Craigslist, I was able to a

The move, which was originally going to happen this past weekend was moved to next weekend. Unfortunately, the Cleveland weather forecast is calling for single digit temperatures with negative wind chill temps all weekend. Needless to say, the move might get bumped back another week (sorry landlord) unless my small army and I muster up the courage to brave the frigid temps. (nothing a few shots of whiskey can't handle). Either way, the packing is done and all is ready to be moved.
I plan to rent a U-Haul of the 16-17 foot variety which should accomodate all of Mom's belongings in one trip. We will be storing it all, with the exception of some clothes, the china, silver, crystal, a few paintings, and two mirrors, in a storage facility near-by (still needs to be reserved). I'm going to guess that with the number of guys that volunteered (hopefully they show) to help and the first-floor layout of Mom's Apt, the move shouldn't take too long. That is all for now--back to torts, contracts, legal writing, and criminal law.
Tim H
01/12/09 - Monday

Did she sign in? etc.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sunday, 01/11/09 ?
We've been too busy to report.
Friday, Leenie stayed home & finally got Dr. Cross' nurse. We have an appt. with him Monday - tomorrow! & we still haven'tdone our daily report calender! - we guess to discuss the treatment schedule , answer questions & seek advice.
Later in the day,Phil , on his way to work, brought Leenie over to Jen's to play with Emma. She had been really full of herself all day (all week, I'm told). Friday she only spoke Chinese but she was very helpful in preparing her luncheon for all of the family/friend kids on the fridge. She even cleaned up afterwards b/c I was taking pictures. When Leenie got there, they were both fresh from a nap & the Peanut proudly showed Leenie her "new" playroom - entire den. Leenie was most impressed w/ a ? 2.5 ft. square "tent" with activities on the inside & out on each wall. The degree of difficulty re: placing Elmo-eyes balls into all manner of slots/holes increases & we are at base 1. But we LOVE to sneak into the tent & hide (of course she can be seen but soesn't seem to realize this) Jennie used to play under tables - where's Jennie??? Giggles x 5 minutes until, "THERE she is!" Peanut does the same routine so it was a perfect game for Leenie. Personally I think she wants one of her own - especially the wall involving keys in different geometric shapes & colors necessary to open the round door to retrieve the ball. Lots of laughs there.
We got Chinese (somehow we were in the mood) on the way home & were in pig heaven.
Saturday, we slept late but designed the daily schedule. Great design. Then we read, did laundry, discussed food changes and sent brother Phil to Sam's for special requests. Phil & I went to 5:30 mass & brought Leenie the Eucharist. While we were gone, she had a nice chat w/ Phil Topping. Then they watched basketball & Bridie & I groomed & got the crib ready for Patrick b/c I think Philip is coming over to watch the Steeler game. We're doing Brats & meatball, sandwiches. I want to see If I can get the brats black with the "golden" rolls. Or maybe not. We'll let you know how our visit w/ Dr. Cross goes. . .
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Thursday and where IS everybody. . .

You know, the second part of yesterday ("Day 1") was a bit incomplete. But we were all tired & things were stable and, well, sometimes shit happens and you just don't think it's worthy of the ink. And it wasn't, still isn't but it's a positive thing that preceded a frustrating day - which had a great conclusion by the by.
Anyway, when we got home from the protracted therapy we actually went over the pertinent paperwork re: possible side effects, when to call the doctor, etc. And darn it wouldn't you know that Leenie's much-needed nap was interrupted by diarrhea - a flagged side effect of course. Soooo, she took 2 Imodium & was to take one after each episode. I think she may have taken 1 more and then slept until 5 AM. I, of course, slept very lightly & distinctly recalled seeing - & waving to her - around 4 AM, naturally thinking the runs were still upon us.
In fact, she was fine, I slept late, Dr. Cross' office finally returned yesterday's call @ 9 AM & Phil told them Leenie was still abed.
Obviously his nurse was not pleased & Leenie spent the remainder of the day trying to reach this nurse practitioner who alone knows when her next appt./treatment is - information that would be more than handy what with the prospect of happiness & comfort & enjoyment of Leenie's visiting detail next weekend.
MY frustration centered on "the TV Guy", as my son is fond of referencing. TV Guy is part of a wonderful Christmas present from our children which, once installed, will allow us to see both cable & local, ie Steelers' games, on our tvs. I don't ask questions but you have to be "special" to know TV Guy & he had been here once w/ Philip under some ruse & during much company & confusion. I just recall asking him to help Julie (or anybody) to rotate & straighten the Christmas tree - & everyone glared - except TV Guy.
Well today, he was supposed to finish the present (Doc Phil growled @ me, "we're watching the game @ Phil's Sunday so you don't need anything from SaM's. WE WILL NEVER GET CBS!") And Leenie called nurse practitioner again (she was on a break) I fed the dog (again), Philip called to say TV Guy was going to be late, Doc Phil came home from Sam's (sans saurkraut) & got ready for work. Then Bridie loudly announced TV Guy, one Ron Taylor, dear friend/helper of Robyn's parents, who, armed w/ several boxes and 4 hrs of chit chat installed, set, tested "tv things" and instucted me about things TV such that we get local channels & cable beautifully, I know more about his personal, psychological, social and professional life than anyone in the world (AND the same HIIPA-forbidden info about his former wife, "multi-personalitied-daughter and her 7 year-old (TV Guy-raised since 4 mos) guitar progeny son ). And Leenie was told to please call back tomorrow. Philip will be coming over to watch the Steelers w/ Molly & Patrick & Julie left a message (who had time to answer the phone?) that they will be baptizing Mia on February 6 @ 1 PM in Richmond.
So Leenie's Day 2 was really good from a medical point of view - what's a little diarrhea - but she's pissed at the nurse practitioner whose hours, per Leenie, are about 3.5/day w/ Weekends & Wednesdays off (the Virginia "w" rule). That's it. Gotta watch TV. . .
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tuesday, Wednesday

Monday, January 5, 2009
Monday (Matt (Julie's husband's):b-day:

It was a really slow and "stuffy" day for Leenie. She's been eating so well but not keeping her liquid intake up with her solids. Result: Nutrition train came to a screeching halt - you know the feeling. But she got a little help and lots of room to fill up again. Sooo, starting w/ a little veggie Chinese, she's back on track.
Tomorrow, we'll be jamming. We will meet with the $ lady @ 10:00 am. She's been wonderful - not only with filing the forms for federal disability but procuring the Ohio forms so that Leenie can apply for Medicaid as well. And on Wednesday, Dr. Cross has scheduled blood work and her second round of the Gemsar at the Infusion Center.
We are hoping to take a break Thursday & see a movie. Keep those prayers coming - we're on a positive roll!
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Late, but here. It's been that kind of day. We all slept in - enough to miss the 9 am mass. So, 11 it would be. Leenie had breakfast; sat out on the porch watching the water; then took a nap. It was too late for Phil & Leenie to get to mass so I got there, spoke @ length with Msgr. Ray and stopped @ Office Max b/c Leenie wanted to make her own Thank You notes on the computer & we weren't equipped?
Of course it was also football day; Dad was OFF; Jen dropped in for a visit and then Phil, Leenie & I gave each other the Eucharist - VERY special. After that, football; chores; Leenie read & napped - kind of contemplative, reclusive for the rest of the day. She was asleep by 10:15 and I think that was what she needed- no complaints, eating very well but - can I be alone to "digest", please?
And now, I think I'll follow suit - knitting up the ravelled sleeve of care and all of that. DO keep the comments and emailed photos coming . . .
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Friday & Saturday