Good Morning Eileen! All of us here in Connecticut want to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day and send along this rose to brighten your day! The updates on the Blog certainly testify to your ever present strength and courage. We all love you and have you in our prayers every day. Paul Andrew, Doris, & Nyero
p.s. I know you are not particularly fond of the Yankees; howver, Mom just finished Joe Torre's book and claims it was riveting and revealing regarding behind the scenes in major league baseball. She recommends it highly!
(someone should tell Paul that V-day is Saturday)
Yeah well... I just wanted to be the first one...even better I need to learn how to spell however!
Hey Eileen- Hope you are holding up okay!!! My thoughts and prayers are for YOU!!!!!! Molly, Tim and boys
dear eileen,
happy valentine's day...you are loved!!!! Julia Kious and Parker Zabell (now engaged) are in Columbus this week-end...we all toasted to you continuing improvement. Enjoy your day and happy valentines day to lorane and phil as well. Love, Marge PS remember valentines day boxes we used to make with red crepe paper and white doiles...do they still do that??????????
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