Late, but here. It's been that kind of day. We all slept in - enough to miss the 9 am mass. So, 11 it would be. Leenie had breakfast; sat out on the porch watching the water; then took a nap. It was too late for Phil & Leenie to get to mass so I got there, spoke @ length with Msgr. Ray and stopped @ Office Max b/c Leenie wanted to make her own Thank You notes on the computer & we weren't equipped?
Of course it was also football day; Dad was OFF; Jen dropped in for a visit and then Phil, Leenie & I gave each other the Eucharist - VERY special. After that, football; chores; Leenie read & napped - kind of contemplative, reclusive for the rest of the day. She was asleep by 10:15 and I think that was what she needed- no complaints, eating very well but - can I be alone to "digest", please?
And now, I think I'll follow suit - knitting up the ravelled sleeve of care and all of that. DO keep the comments and emailed photos coming . . .