Actually, I wrote about yesterday and for some reason it was never published (although the blog says I published last on 3/21. Go figure.) So yesterday, I brought her some supplies and, having just come from Patrick's first b-day party, she wanted to hear all about it since she knows all the guests. Physically, she was quite comfortable re: right arm pain b/c they put the pain medicine (Dilaudid) in a portable well attached to tubing that goes to her IV. It has a "joy stick" connected by a tube which she can use to give herself extra pain relief 6 x's each hr if needed. Otherwise it runs continually at a set, effective rate. So Henry's effects - pain - are taken care of. Henry has now wrapped himself around an artery going to ber right arm so she has some hand numbness. Tomorrow, she will resume radiation as an in-patient aimed at eradicating Henry. Meanwhile, she is on oxygen through tubing in her nose so her breathing is comfortable. They are giving her IV antibiotics for the pneumonia demonstrated on the spiral CT and they will get a culture to be certain it is the right antibiotic therapy. She has to stay in the hospital as long as she is getting IV antibiotics. But she enjoyed the pictures I had taken at the party. In fact, I went backwards one picture too many, and asked her who THIS GANG WAS:
She studied it for a long time, smiling. "well, that's MY baby teaching baby Patrick to wave. And it looks like he did a good job , too!" Then her brother brought her candy bars & she dug in while he ate her burger.
We had forgotten to tell them that she takes a liquid, Megase, every morning to stimulate her appetite. Well, she got it today b/c when I called at 10 am, she was in her recliner having a huge breakfast. Take a deep breath, like she is, and pray to St. Theresa - I think she's in charge of pneumonia. Lorane