Christmas eve continued to boil & bubble with last minute shopping, wrapping, mailing, repairing "Frosty" - our black, top-hatted snowman built into, around, atop and under our red mailbox. Tim is a wonderful elf - he helped w/ everything, especially food prep. There was lively chatter throughout the day & all of a sudden, it seemed , it was time for the 40 min trek to the Newport News Airport to get the "boys".
Leenie wisely opted for a nap. We finally returned at almost midnight. The young, frightened, confused, angry, excited Huber men either kept their own counsel or practiced "being strong" on the long ride home. Once there, discomfiture ruled for a bit. "I'll show you where you're sleeping>"; "Great. We'll put our stuff in our rms."; Finally, "Where's Mom"; "iI'll get her up."; "Are they HERE??"; "They're waiting to see Mom". And, one by one, each went alone for a private greeting which Leenie tailored such that each of her lads could feel comfortable being sad, scared, happy, excited & SO glad to be with Mom.
Amazingly, appetites surfaced, bloomed and culminated in our favorite, messy, relaxed, easy, take forever to eat & chat over meal: tomato/garlic/spices bruscetta on fresly baked flat bread exquisitely carved by Brennan and bowls of jumbo shrimp in a white wine/olive oil/bay leaf & spices sauce. We ate in the living room, around the tree, dripping, dipping and finally mopping every drop of extra sauce with an olio of torn ,fresh-baked focacias & crusty Italian breads. It was lovely, chatty, at times seriously tutorial w/ Uncle Phil fielding questions but mostly warm, filling and fulfilling in expectation of the Christ Child's coming.
Christmas day began after 4-5 hrs of sleep, in the form of Jennie, Ross & Emma - all rosy cheeked, laughing, re-uniting and getting to know short cousins. Very soon after, Philip, Robyn, Declan, Molly & Patrick arrived - all bearing brightly lit faces and colorful packages. The joy was loud, palpable and on-going, with everyone filling up @ the groaning board and merrily opening presents while PG3 trid to capture the magic on camera.
Very short people and Leenie then napped while the games - football, baseball, car-racing (Declan & Molly in the red Mustang which their big cousins had chaqrged all night) the inevitable testing of the "things Santa brings" while the evening repast was being prepared.
And the big surprise - just as dinner was about to be claimed & taken to a favorite chair, there was a loud knock,equally loud barking by Bridie & Murphy as they greeted Jetty and we all squealed as Matt, Julie & 3 mo. + Mia made a very big SURPRISE arrival! It was glorious disarray again - with Leenie enormously energized, eating heartily while visiting & holding the peeps & greeting/enjoying catching up with the FAMILY.
Once again, we didn't see dessert & major packing/farewelling-till-the-morrow until after midnight.
The Christ Child - not surprizingly - had given all of us 2 glorious, joyful days which personified His coming - Joy to 828 Linbay Drive, all who dwell within this holy, happy night and all who are there in spirit & love because this Family is blessed!
Give thanks & praise - and if you're not out looking for bargains tomorrow, tune in to Leenie's 12/26/08!