Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday - 01/21/09 - much ado about nothing, save sleep deprivation

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Up @ 5:30 to wait for the call telling us to go to Norfolk or Virginia Beach General for 3 hours of Gemzar Infusion plus IV fluids. And at

10 AM a frazzled Marylyn called to say, "I guess Wednesday is a very busy day." Sooo busy that Leenie will have to wait until tomorrow. Also Dr. Cross has changed the regimen from Gemzar on day 1 and Platinum on day 2 to Gemzar days 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and Platinum ONLY on day 6 of week 3. Apparently her blood work indicated that she responds better to Gemzar and he is quite convin ced that the Primary is lung for which Gemzar is the best bullet, Platinum attacking pancreatic more effectively. The dosage will be higher (if bld work permits) and the side effects less severe. So tomorrow & Friday = Gemzar & Saturday is IV fluids. Naturally, the disappointment was palpable all day and for toppers she was having increased pain on the Right rear shoulder. She DID eat well and rest with a little help from chemistry.

So here's to tomorrow and the 0utfi t that will become de rigueur in every Infusion Department in the country!


Move Update

As expected, last weeks temperatures. were too low to move. Friday was the coldest day in Cleveland in 15 years, 13 below zero. We will be moving this weekend and I decided to go with a 10x15 locker. . Its going to come to $133/mo including insurance and tax, not too bad compared to other prices I looked at.

I'm still having trouble with the post-office and forwarding the mail. I filled out the change-of-address form and I am still receiving mail. I'll be going to the post-office Friday morning to straighten it out (hopefully the "change" the new president promised has motivated the postal workers to "change" their work ethic and attitude. I won't hold my breath)

Mom, it might help speed up the mail process if you contact the important people- Board of Education, Credit Card Company, The hospitals, etc. and have them change your address. I'll keep working on the union workers up here and see if I can get any help from them.

I hope the visitors over the weekend lifted your spirits! Please let us know how today's chemo treatment went.

Go Cardinals!

Tuesday - 01/20/09

There is the cutest pic of Leenie in these absurd pink clarabelle slippers . . .
But since it's late & I can't upload it, I'll just say the visit was fun, hectic and crowded with funny little people wanting to play with everything/body showing NO interest in the Steeler game.
Tomorrow, Leenie begins round 2. (She went from 88 to 91 lbs during the festivities!). She had blood work done today. Tomorrow, she will hav3 a 3 hr. infusion of Gemzar & IV fluids; Thursday, the Platinum & IV fluids & Friday IV fluids.
She is not as tired but this session will take its toll. I'll be force-feeding & generally bitching @ her b/c nutrition is her only armor.
She enjoyed the inauguration today but is tense about the chemo session so boot those prayers up. It's freezing and grey which really gets her down but I keep telling her it's great weather for lots ofr hot "Boost" & long, cozy naps with Bridie whose job is to warm Leenie's feet & negotiate a few potato chips.
Soooo sorry about the font color - must have had sun /hapiness on my mind - "burning", Brian? (By the the by, Bri, Molly called 2 days ago wanting to know if B-r-i-a-n was here. . .)

And Tim, great job with the sale. I guess you sold the heater separately b/c Uncle Phil just had to buy one for our dryer. "and the plane crashes. Then nobody wins. . ." Forget you wrote that, Tim. I'm trying to.