Up @ 5:30 to wait for the call telling us to go to Norfolk or Virginia Beach General for 3 hours of Gemzar Infusion plus IV fluids. And at
10 AM a frazzled Marylyn called to say, "I guess Wednesday is a very busy day." Sooo busy that Leenie will have to wait until tomorrow. Also Dr. Cross has changed the regimen from Gemzar on day 1 and Platinum on day 2 to Gemzar days 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and Platinum ONLY on day 6 of week 3. Apparently her blood work indicated that she responds better to Gemzar and he is quite convin ced that the Primary is lung for which Gemzar is the best bullet, Platinum attacking pancreatic more effectively. The dosage will be higher (if bld work permits) and the side effects less severe. So tomorrow & Friday = Gemzar & Saturday is IV fluids. Naturally, the disappointment was palpable all day and for toppers she was having increased pain on the Right rear shoulder. She DID eat well and rest with a little help from chemistry.
So here's to tomorrow and the 0utfi t that will become de rigueur in every Infusion Department in the country!
1 comment:
Ohhhh E......I LOVE your outfit!!!!
You will be in my thoughts and prayers all day!!!
I love you, Charlene
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