It's been a while but we've been very busy. Leenie had a PET scan Monday and we met with Dr. Cross Tuesday to discuss the results. It seems that this cancer responds better to radiation than to chemo. Additionally, Henry's affinity for the exit of cervical nerve # 5 which goes to the shoulder and right arm/hand has become more exaggerated and is causing increasing pain and, therefore, the need for increasing amounts of pain medication. Henry, then, is the total focus. They began the mapping last week and she had her first radiation treatment Tuesday. Phil took her & was furious when after a 10 minute treatment, with very heavy pain meds on board, she emerged at the verge of tears. You can be sure he "handled" the situation. The techs had insisted that she keep her right arm straight at her side and NOT MOVE throughout treatment. This is the most excruciating position. When questioned, they really couldn't provide a reason for this position. When asked, "Do you just WANT your patients to be in pain?" they muttered & fumbled about, finally agreeing to place her arm & hand on a pillow across her chest (semi-flexed) the next time. And indeed, with Phil on hand again Wednesday, she was propped & positioned comfortably. Of course the dosage is very high so there is still discomfort but w/out the added insult od position nerve pain. This morning we went at 8:15 am b/c I have a cervical MRI @ 4 PM. (This time she's coming to hold MY hand.) And tomorrow, the LAST treatment of the wk will be at 3 pm but TIM WILL HAVE ARRIVED @ 1:30 so it will be more like a family outing/reunion. The kids have big plans for the weekend (he'd better pray for rain) and Leenie is just beyond excited. He'll be here until the 17th so we'll be wearin' the green starting tomorrow!
Happy St. Paddy's Day to one and all