You know, the second part of yesterday ("Day 1") was a bit incomplete. But we were all tired & things were stable and, well, sometimes shit happens and you just don't think it's worthy of the ink. And it wasn't, still isn't but it's a positive thing that preceded a frustrating day - which had a great conclusion by the by.
Anyway, when we got home from the protracted therapy we actually went over the pertinent paperwork re: possible side effects, when to call the doctor, etc. And darn it wouldn't you know that Leenie's much-needed nap was interrupted by diarrhea - a flagged side effect of course. Soooo, she took 2 Imodium & was to take one after each episode. I think she may have taken 1 more and then slept until 5 AM. I, of course, slept very lightly & distinctly recalled seeing - & waving to her - around 4 AM, naturally thinking the runs were still upon us.
In fact, she was fine, I slept late, Dr. Cross' office finally returned yesterday's call @ 9 AM & Phil told them Leenie was still abed.
Obviously his nurse was not pleased & Leenie spent the remainder of the day trying to reach this nurse practitioner who alone knows when her next appt./treatment is - information that would be more than handy what with the prospect of happiness & comfort & enjoyment of Leenie's visiting detail next weekend.
MY frustration centered on "the TV Guy", as my son is fond of referencing. TV Guy is part of a wonderful Christmas present from our children which, once installed, will allow us to see both cable & local, ie Steelers' games, on our tvs. I don't ask questions but you have to be "special" to know TV Guy & he had been here once w/ Philip under some ruse & during much company & confusion. I just recall asking him to help Julie (or anybody) to rotate & straighten the Christmas tree - & everyone glared - except TV Guy.
Well today, he was supposed to finish the present (Doc Phil growled @ me, "we're watching the game @ Phil's Sunday so you don't need anything from SaM's. WE WILL NEVER GET CBS!") And Leenie called nurse practitioner again (she was on a break) I fed the dog (again), Philip called to say TV Guy was going to be late, Doc Phil came home from Sam's (sans saurkraut) & got ready for work. Then Bridie loudly announced TV Guy, one Ron Taylor, dear friend/helper of Robyn's parents, who, armed w/ several boxes and 4 hrs of chit chat installed, set, tested "tv things" and instucted me about things TV such that we get local channels & cable beautifully, I know more about his personal, psychological, social and professional life than anyone in the world (AND the same HIIPA-forbidden info about his former wife, "multi-personalitied-daughter and her 7 year-old (TV Guy-raised since 4 mos) guitar progeny son ). And Leenie was told to please call back tomorrow. Philip will be coming over to watch the Steelers w/ Molly & Patrick & Julie left a message (who had time to answer the phone?) that they will be baptizing Mia on February 6 @ 1 PM in Richmond.
So Leenie's Day 2 was really good from a medical point of view - what's a little diarrhea - but she's pissed at the nurse practitioner whose hours, per Leenie, are about 3.5/day w/ Weekends & Wednesdays off (the Virginia "w" rule). That's it. Gotta watch TV. . .