You know, the second part of yesterday ("Day 1") was a bit incomplete. But we were all tired & things were stable and, well, sometimes shit happens and you just don't think it's worthy of the ink. And it wasn't, still isn't but it's a positive thing that preceded a frustrating day - which had a great conclusion by the by.
Anyway, when we got home from the protracted therapy we actually went over the pertinent paperwork re: possible side effects, when to call the doctor, etc. And darn it wouldn't you know that Leenie's much-needed nap was interrupted by diarrhea - a flagged side effect of course. Soooo, she took 2 Imodium & was to take one after each episode. I think she may have taken 1 more and then slept until 5 AM. I, of course, slept very lightly & distinctly recalled seeing - & waving to her - around 4 AM, naturally thinking the runs were still upon us.
In fact, she was fine, I slept late, Dr. Cross' office finally returned yesterday's call @ 9 AM & Phil told them Leenie was still abed.
Obviously his nurse was not pleased & Leenie spent the remainder of the day trying to reach this nurse practitioner who alone knows when her next appt./treatment is - information that would be more than handy what with the prospect of happiness & comfort & enjoyment of Leenie's visiting detail next weekend.
MY frustration centered on "the TV Guy", as my son is fond of referencing. TV Guy is part of a wonderful Christmas present from our children which, once installed, will allow us to see both cable & local, ie Steelers' games, on our tvs. I don't ask questions but you have to be "special" to know TV Guy & he had been here once w/ Philip under some ruse & during much company & confusion. I just recall asking him to help Julie (or anybody) to rotate & straighten the Christmas tree - & everyone glared - except TV Guy.
Well today, he was supposed to finish the present (Doc Phil growled @ me, "we're watching the game @ Phil's Sunday so you don't need anything from SaM's. WE WILL NEVER GET CBS!") And Leenie called nurse practitioner again (she was on a break) I fed the dog (again), Philip called to say TV Guy was going to be late, Doc Phil came home from Sam's (sans saurkraut) & got ready for work. Then Bridie loudly announced TV Guy, one Ron Taylor, dear friend/helper of Robyn's parents, who, armed w/ several boxes and 4 hrs of chit chat installed, set, tested "tv things" and instucted me about things TV such that we get local channels & cable beautifully, I know more about his personal, psychological, social and professional life than anyone in the world (AND the same HIIPA-forbidden info about his former wife, "multi-personalitied-daughter and her 7 year-old (TV Guy-raised since 4 mos) guitar progeny son ). And Leenie was told to please call back tomorrow. Philip will be coming over to watch the Steelers w/ Molly & Patrick & Julie left a message (who had time to answer the phone?) that they will be baptizing Mia on February 6 @ 1 PM in Richmond.
So Leenie's Day 2 was really good from a medical point of view - what's a little diarrhea - but she's pissed at the nurse practitioner whose hours, per Leenie, are about 3.5/day w/ Weekends & Wednesdays off (the Virginia "w" rule). That's it. Gotta watch TV. . .
Hi E.
I swear in every picture on the blog you look better and better.
Tim came over yesterday to pick up the keys of your apartment. I was collecting mail while he was in Florida. Vicky and I dropped off several boxes at your place. Vicky actually brought most. She is very resourceful and organized as you know. She and I were going to continue packing but decided Tim should be giving us "direction." He has done a grand job so far. Tomorrow (saturday) I plan to swing by your place and help Tim do more packing. Vicky might come over as well. It is blowing and snowing now so Vicky will want a sled dog to bring her over. She is a real wimp in the snow.
I wish I heard from you more but I know you're "washed out" for the most part. If there is anything you want from this end let me know.
I washed that basket of laundry you had stashed in your bedroom. There are some great turtle necks in there. Do you want me to send them? Also your Tommy Hilfeger cargo shorts are in there. I was going to sneak them into my "stuff" but I can only get one leg into those itty bitty shorts.
I was thinking of taking a bottle of wine and maybe Tim and I could take a wine break every couple hours. Zubin is invited over too.
I guess you didn't feel much like going to the movie but that will happen soon enough.
Sweet dreams and blessings, my Friend.
Happy Friday Eileen, Lorane and Phil!
You are quite the busy threesome!
Ann, Kate and I are really looking forward to seeing you next week!
You are all in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Keep thinking positively. You are loved by so many dear, darling sister.
Hi Eileen- Hope you are staying warm and cuddly on this very blustery day. We had a ton of snow overnight and it's supposed to continue today--- a nice day to stay in and stay warm by the fire--- BUT I got to drive in work today!!! But, I don't mind--- I really like my job! Thank God! Hope all is well w/ you today. Just know that you are being thought of and prayed for by SO many people. Molly
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