It was a really slow and "stuffy" day for Leenie. She's been eating so well but not keeping her liquid intake up with her solids. Result: Nutrition train came to a screeching halt - you know the feeling. But she got a little help and lots of room to fill up again. Sooo, starting w/ a little veggie Chinese, she's back on track.
Tomorrow, we'll be jamming. We will meet with the $ lady @ 10:00 am. She's been wonderful - not only with filing the forms for federal disability but procuring the Ohio forms so that Leenie can apply for Medicaid as well. And on Wednesday, Dr. Cross has scheduled blood work and her second round of the Gemsar at the Infusion Center.
We are hoping to take a break Thursday & see a movie. Keep those prayers coming - we're on a positive roll!
OH !!! I'm excited Eileen will get out to a movie. I've seen so many these last several weeks. All have been excellent but "Doubt" is outstanding. Originally I hadn't wanted to see it but Aspi wanted it. Go !!!!! There is so much stuff in it. If you see Marley, take kleenex. I cried harder in the book but the movie really is sweet.
Happy birthday, Matt !!
Blessings !!
Hey Eileen- Hope you are resting and letting wait on you!!! Just know that you are in my prayers!!! Thinking of you!!! Molly
Correction!!!! Hope you are resting and letting people wait on you!!!! By the way, please feel free to correct any misspellings!! Once a teacher, always a teacher! Molly
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