Marge asked about the "mass pushing on C5" b/c she understood that there were no new masses found. That's true. Believe it or not, it's what's left of old Henry. As Dr. Cross explained, there have been many physical/location changes during the Cycle. Leenie is not as active as she had been so there is muscle atrophy on the chest wall and arms. (Although as you see in the picture, she's still leading Patrick with her right arm this past Saturday.) The neck vertebrae have not been rotating/flexing as often/far as before b/c she spends a lot of time reading in bed or napping so her head /neck are usually flexed forward, thus decreasing the intervertebral spaces for extended periods of time. All of these factors "place" things where they "were not located" before. To wit, Henry's outer edge, having shrunken down from the right shoulder, is now abutting the cervical vertebrae, C5 in particular. Dr. Williams will use the cyber knife to remove that tissue & the pressure it is causing. There was also brachial plexus damage during radiation but it will be reversable. So this "surgical modality" is being employed to correct the results of a "furniture re-arrangement in the right claviclular sitting room." We haven't heard from radiology re: CT/PET appts but are hoping they are early next week b/c her next chemo Cycle starts March 2nd. Love to all,
Dear Lorane,
That "little Henry"....just when I thought he got up and left the building (reabsorbed)...he decided to sit down on Eileens C5! Thank you so much for the explanation...and for ALL your expanations on Eileens course of treatment. You are our only link and we all appreciate your time, your efforts, your care and your love for Eileen. I am hoping to make it down for a short visit sometime in the near future and I will defintely call you first. Love, Marge
Thanks for explanation. Seems like mom should get back into the business of swinging yardsticks at those unruly "students."(Brennan) Get those muscles moving again.
Have you been checking your e-mail? I've been handing it out like Pez to concerned friends that come into the Colony. Gerri and Jim Hall were in the other day, they send their blessings.
Hey Eileen- You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Hope this finds you feeling good. Take care and don't give Lorane a hard time. We all know how you can be!That Irish blood can be so stubborn!! Molly, Tim and boys
Hi Eileen,
Just thinking about you and wanting to send some strength your way! I'm thinking that you might have had some tests done this week and I'm hoping that all news is good news!! I love and miss you! Honestly, you don't use that yardstick that the nuns used on you, do you? hahaha!
Big hugs!
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