Looking at our posts, you'd think NOTHING happened on Friday. Au contraire. Dr. Ryan, in consort with Dr. Cross, discharged Leenie to home! (Every development seems tgo be a surprise). I was with Peanut & Brian & Paul had to get their plane, so Godson Philip brought Leenie home after gettng her prescriptions filled and stocking up on Hearty Campbell's soup. He called to say she was comfortable & glad to be home and that I should pick her nausea medicine up on the way home as they didn't have it ready. (He also doubted she would need it. She'd been eating quite well & was ready for her soup. Philip said the medicine she takes in the morning to increase her appetite is testosterone. (He's in pharmaceutical sales but he's also Philip, godchild of Leenie so who knows what it is).
Brother Phil got home around 4:30 & reported the same good news. It was truly amazing. I arrived around 6:30 and she looked wonderful! She's had none of the bad side effects of either drug and apparently we will be receiving instructions by telephone from Dr. Cross' staff re: her next treatment which will be Wednesday - probably at Dr. Cross' Oncology Center.
Leenie went from believeing death was embracing her on Monday to being an OUT PATIENT with a lot of reading and grateful prayers to say on Friday.
Today, Saturday, she was up before me (a fact she annoyingly made a point of noting), had toast w/ butter and strawberry preserves & coffee. Her face is fuller - 6-7 lbs or so fuller and she has real color in her cheeks (& maybe Tuesday we'll do something about getting the real color out of our roots)
It's a relaxing, cozy day. One would be surprized to think anyone here was anything but tip top re: health. (That may change if doc Phil has Emiryl's sausage for dinner. Leenie, Bridie & I will all need Compazine).
Till tomorrow,
I am SORELY impressed !! Your progress is astonishing !!!
Eileen, Aspi and I just got home from seeing "Doubt." If you are up to it, I highly recommend it. As we were leaving the theatre, I said to Aspi, "I so hope Eileen sees this so she and I can have a really good discussion about Catholic eduation. Meryl Streep is as good as it gets.
Blessings !! Linda
waEileen, you are amazing! Keep up the great effort toward getting stronger and stronger! Please have a chocolate milkshake or two for me. i look forward to talking with you soon!
Love to all! Kath
Three cheers for Eileen!!!!!!!!!
If those are recent pix of you on this blog, and I think they probably are....you look GREAT !!!!
Just keeping drinking those DQ cocktails and that hmmm, hmmm good Campbell's hearty soup !!!!
Bill and I are heading south Jan. 5.....would love to stop by and see you......are you game????
(I'll be the one one wearing the babooshka) Chris
(Cell 716-307-4076)
Eileen, Eileen, Eileen....Miracles DO HAPPEN. Such uplifting news to recieve......God continues to hold you in the palm of His hand. The whole body spirit "thing is so important....where mind over matter gets the job done. You are one hell of a fighter so why would any of us be in disbelief over your enourmous progress?????? I love you and am still praying, praying, praying! Love, Marge
Eileen, It only took me FOREVER and a phone call to, you guessed it---- Marge Reidel--- (the computer savvy gal that she is) to finally be able to post my message!!! Thanks, Marge!!! Eileen, you been in my thoughts and every prayer that I've prayed!!! You have so many people that love you and support you. You are not running this awful race alone. We are ALL there, each step of the way, with you. We will run as hard as we can and carry you when you are unable to. And we won't stop running until we cross that finish line TOGETHER. You need to fight, fight, fight and then fight some more!!! Be strong!!! You can do this!!!! Lots of love, Molly Murphy R.N.
That news couldn't have put a bigger smile on my face!!! Way to go Eileen! HE really is listening up there!! I love you and will continue to send all my best wishes your way! XOXO
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