-Queen Size Box-Spring w/ Frame
(sold separately from mattress).....................................$40
-Chevy Lumina w/ 155,000 miles, No
Heat, Poor Tires, an Oldsmobile Steering Column,

Broken Locks, a smoking engine that has
been sitting in below freezing temps for 6 weeks.........$200
-Watching two Spanish guys named
Ricardo and Alex spend 45 minutes getting
the frozen Chevy Lumina to start...................................Priceless.
Sunday was packing day and with the Help of Betsy, Linda and Zubin, we were able to finish wrapping, boxing, and organizing all the contents of Mom's Apt. Most everything was placed in boxes and prepared for the move. With the help of Craigslist, I was able to a

The move, which was originally going to happen this past weekend was moved to next weekend. Unfortunately, the Cleveland weather forecast is calling for single digit temperatures with negative wind chill temps all weekend. Needless to say, the move might get bumped back another week (sorry landlord) unless my small army and I muster up the courage to brave the frigid temps. (nothing a few shots of whiskey can't handle). Either way, the packing is done and all is ready to be moved.
I plan to rent a U-Haul of the 16-17 foot variety which should accomodate all of Mom's belongings in one trip. We will be storing it all, with the exception of some clothes, the china, silver, crystal, a few paintings, and two mirrors, in a storage facility near-by (still needs to be reserved). I'm going to guess that with the number of guys that volunteered (hopefully they show) to help and the first-floor layout of Mom's Apt, the move shouldn't take too long. That is all for now--back to torts, contracts, legal writing, and criminal law.
Tim H
What useful and succinct info on the blog. Oh, and amusing. You definately have the Leavy humor. It was just yesterday that you Huber men were playing T-ball. Where did the years go? You have taken this task by the proverbial balls (may I say that on a blog) and conquered.
The reason you and your mom have so many friends is because you two know how to be friends. Zubin, Betsy and I loved helping you. We will remain at your beck and call until task is done.
Eileen, you really are blessed in so many ways. You have sooooooooooooooooomany people who love you.
Be at peace and love to all you who participate in Eileen's care.
Blessings !!
blessings !!
Teeeeee REX! Well done.
Dear, dear Tim....and Linda, Betsy and Zubin,
What a great service you have done. I KNOW this is a load off everyones minds and it should be easier for Eileen to prove Va. residency when she does not have a mailing residence in Cleve. This might help the case with all the "paperwork" Eileen has to deal with. Great job on all the selling transactions Tim. You know, with all the "stuff' I have sold in my life..I have NEVER done it on the internet.
Tim, I hope school is going well for you. You are doing a fabulous job wearing "many hats"
Eileen, as Linda says, you are so very blessed in so many ways...not the least of which.....are your four fabulous men you gave birth to. Hope everyone has a beautiful, snowy day! Love, Marge
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