Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Last Weekend

Paul and I went down to Va Beach this weekend to see Mom, who was in good spirits. We all listened to an old recording, which Lorane recently had digitally remastered, from a 1957 holiday party at the Leavy's. Apparently, drinking and singing runs in the family. I've downloaded the recording to digital form, with the goal of sending copies to anyone who wants it (I'll get a copy to Aunts Margie and Kath soon). I may also try to post it to this blog. It's pretty neat. Incidentally, it's also good if you're looking to brush up on your latin declensions.



Paul said...

BTW - We also had a nice little dinner out on Saturday evening at a restaurant called Fire & Vine...Eileen enjoyed some Filet Mignon and garlic mashed, as well as, a liitle fruit of the vine to help the cause! It was a most enjoyable time for all of us!

Marge and Doug said...

Hey guys...what a picture!!!!! There was always alot of fun to be had!!!!!! That pic was of 2 "working girls" at the Golden Gate Apts! Anything new on the cone biopsy from last week. I thought there would be some results today??? Love you guys, Marge