Sunday, December 21, 2008

Important Update

Today was a benchmark day. Last evening, Dr. Cross, Mom's oncologist, called to say that although the gastroenterologist was willing to do a procedure to get a much larger biopsy from the metastatic nodes in the mediastinum (area between the lungs), he could not do it until Jan. 9 which was unacceptably too long a wait.  We need a large biopsy now so that Dr. Cross will be able to start chemo w/ the correct agent - hopefully by Monday.  He called this afternoon. (Mom was sleeping b/c we had 1) gone to the salon for a haircut, 2)gone shopping @ Talbot's & Joseph Bank. That was A LOT for her but she was having so much fun it was worth her long nap afterwards).

The scoop from Dr. Cross:
He's arranged for a surgeon to do the biopsy - a bit invasive but necessary - either late Tuesday night w/ discharge in the am OR early Wednesday am with discharge in afternoon.

So, Mom will have general anesthesia; Dr. will check out all of her lung passages to be sure there is no blockage causing her cough; get a nice, complete node (no needle aspirations or lg. cuttings). Cross wants an entire mass so he can identify with certainty the primary source & select with certainty the exact chemo agent to use to kill it.  He does not think she will be susceptible to any hair loss but her immune system will be compromised so we must be very careful re: visitors w/ flu, sniffles, coughs, etc.  Lastly, the surgeon will put a "Mediport" in place. Thise is a semi-permanent, large bore IV catheter which will be stitched in place & used for the chemo treatments and clamped off when not in use.

The discomfort factor is de minimus and Dr. Cross' plan is excellent re: getting started with the big guns. The radiology totally wiped out the grapefruit on her shoulder (Henry) but there will be a lump for a while until the remaining dead tissue is re-absorbed by the body.

So that's the plan for now. Dr. Cross is always a pager away and he, like all of us, is praying that the procedure can be done late Tuesday night so Mom can be comfortable and rested and excited enough about PROGRESS that she will eat, drink & be merry with the Fam & the newly born savior. Hope you get this missive,

God Bless,


bdh said...

Thank you so much for the informative post Aunt Lorane. Regarding "sniffles" and Mom's immune system, will it be a problem that many of us will be flying in Tuesday/Wednesday, and therefore exposed to the constant hacking and sneezing of fellow airline passengers?

elizabeth said...

Lorane -

Thanks for the update - I have been waiting anxiously awaiting any news. I am glad to hear that things will be progressing before Christmas and that they will be able to get all that accomplished in a single surgery. How long will it take to get the results of the biopsy? Is there any estimation on when the chemo will start?

Maybe some Wise potato chips would help Eileen gain some strength.

All my love,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Lorane. Eileen is in wonderful hands with Phil and you as her advocates. Eileen, listen to the experts and do what you are told, pasta and all. The Huber men will be ready to celebrate Christmas with you in a big way!
God bless you dear, darling sister. We are all praying for you.
All my love,

Marge and Doug said...

Hi all you Va. Beach fabulous people. Lorane, thanks so much for the detailed medical update. God! we feel so helpless not knowing any new facts and it is such a curious thing that they are having such a hard time pinning these cells down. It is great to know there is a plan. It is also great to know that Eileen is out and about shopping...keeping the economy going. I know she really loved get OUT!
You guys are the greatest! Your grandchildren are adorable. Do you think it was Eileen that took Emmas pasta...wouldn't it be wonderful if it was! Eileen...big hugs to you. I will be praying and novena-ing these next several days. If good thoughts count for should be well already.
May all of the Leavy', the Hubers and all extended families have a Merry Christmas and a peaceful time awaiting our Saviour...we need him now more than ever.
Love, Marge

Regan said...

Thank you so much for all the info!! I have been thinkning about Eileen constantly, so my best remedy was to go see Bren and have a drink!! He is to bring down many hugs to VA Beach from me!! We will be thinking about you all during Christmas and will definitely be in touch Eileen! I love you!
As far as airline, just don't sit in front of/ or next to the sneezing passenger! And don't be too run down when you get there!
Love to you all and safe travels!