The day has dawned but I think the events of yesterday have yet to - fully and in a way that we can understand. Uncle Phil has been "saving lives" in Suffolk since 7; I've been trying to plan today & tomorrow re: feeding the entire fam (hot dogs roasting on an open fire is sounding good); and Tim & Leenie are still abed after an exhausting yesterday.
Bless each and every one of us and our families with the light of the Christ Child as it surrounds Eileen and all of her health care providers;
Enjoy and give thanks for our many blessings and the excitement of living each day of the future;
Follow the lead of the little children in our midst - the glow of anticipation in those smiling eyes, that inability to contain the breathless thoughts of the bounty to befall the world tomorrow;
Will write again later - after the last minute (hours) tasks have been stumbled through. . .
I am pretty convinced you have super human powers. Hot dogs sound like a fantastic way to celebrate Christmas.
Thank you for all the time you take to keep us updated. Again I must say, Eileen is so lucky to have all of you.
Eileen has always known, "to have a friend, be a friend." She leads by example.
Blessings to all !
To all Leavy's Hubers and all extended families:
Lorane, you are gifted in a way to convey your feelings and the feelings of those who surround you. It sounds like a lovely, peaceful exhaustion....the children of anticipation don't feel it so much...because, after all, Santa does all the work!
It is true there is a long tunnel ahead...thank God for the gift of fortitude...and Knowledge. The wait is over and KNOWING with certainty what you are dealing with is a ok place to be. Eileen, you are truely loved....and yes, blessed many times over. Please be merry, witty and filled with laughter these joyous couple of days!
Then...on Mon. morn I KNOW you will be prepared to fight the fight of your life......I believe, and I mean this sincerely, Christmas miracles DO happen.
May you all have a blessed Christmas! Phil, Brian, Brennan and Tim always love and hug one another...no matter what!
We hope to speak with you all on Christmas Day. We are on our way to the 5PM mass..trumpets, horns cymbols, drums, organ...you, Eileen, are my only thought! Love, Love, Love, Marge
Dear Lorane, Eileen and sons, family, friends,
I wish you all a very special Christmas altogether! Live in the moment, and let tomorrow happen as it's intended to be.....
Sending you each a special hug and lots of love, Charlene
Dear Eileen,
I so missed chatting with you on Christmas Day. We have done that for years. I'm sure you had other things to do but I want you to know I miss you.
Depending on how you feel in time, Aspi said he would drive me down to see you. Of course if i flew it would require a bottle of wine and several xanax.
Zubin will probably be training in Quantico this summer so I thought we could come visit with you and stop and see him. We will check in later to ask you and Lorane and Phil what a good spa is to camp at. Oh................how I love those hot stones.
Call whenever you want...............any time of the middle of the night if you need.
I know you hd a blessed Christmas with so many loving people around you.
My candle is still burning.
Blessings and love to all.
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