Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday, 01/11/09 ?

My, My,
We've been too busy to report.
Friday, Leenie stayed home & finally got Dr. Cross' nurse. We have an appt. with him Monday - tomorrow! & we still haven'tdone our daily report calender! - we guess to discuss the treatment schedule , answer questions & seek advice.
Later in the day,Phil , on his way to work, brought Leenie over to Jen's to play with Emma. She had been really full of herself all day (all week, I'm told). Friday she only spoke Chinese but she was very helpful in preparing her luncheon for all of the family/friend kids on the fridge. She even cleaned up afterwards b/c I was taking pictures. When Leenie got there, they were both fresh from a nap & the Peanut proudly showed Leenie her "new" playroom - entire den. Leenie was most impressed w/ a ? 2.5 ft. square "tent" with activities on the inside & out on each wall. The degree of difficulty re: placing Elmo-eyes balls into all manner of slots/holes increases & we are at base 1. But we LOVE to sneak into the tent & hide (of course she can be seen but soesn't seem to realize this) Jennie used to play under tables - where's Jennie??? Giggles x 5 minutes until, "THERE she is!" Peanut does the same routine so it was a perfect game for Leenie. Personally I think she wants one of her own - especially the wall involving keys in different geometric shapes & colors necessary to open the round door to retrieve the ball. Lots of laughs there.
We got Chinese (somehow we were in the mood) on the way home & were in pig heaven.
Saturday, we slept late but designed the daily schedule. Great design. Then we read, did laundry, discussed food changes and sent brother Phil to Sam's for special requests. Phil & I went to 5:30 mass & brought Leenie the Eucharist. While we were gone, she had a nice chat w/ Phil Topping. Then they watched basketball & Bridie & I groomed & got the crib ready for Patrick b/c I think Philip is coming over to watch the Steeler game. We're doing Brats & meatball, sandwiches. I want to see If I can get the brats black with the "golden" rolls. Or maybe not. We'll let you know how our visit w/ Dr. Cross goes. . .